Do you like yellow?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Heyya guize. :)

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what's up? :)
Well I have nothing to post about, so I'll just do a review about Androids.

They're awesome phones. :) Well it's technically not a phone, it's like the system inside the phone. I preferably like Androids more than Blackberrys.. only because my Blackberry broke in late August. I had my BB for just over a year, and then it decides to crash. -_- so a few weeks after that I got my Android!

They're actually really good phones. Even though I never had an iPhone, I think an Android would be better.. just because .... I don't know. LOL, but like everything in the Android is awesome... from the ringtones, to the live wallpapers and the "Market"!

If you need a new phone, I suggest you pick out a phone with the Android system. They're actually.... I know I said this like 2 times in the post, but..... really good phones. :)

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