Do you like yellow?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Omg guess what.................................. We won our semi-finals game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Against Notre Dame yesterday!!!!!!!! Whawiowhaoihwfondalkfkdsbgk that means we're going to the finals/championship game tomorrow!! It's at Henry Carr. We won 33-19 :) I scored 7 points :D haha. During one play, I got the ball and I was on the left side of the net... so I drove in with my left hand and also went up for the layup with my left hand.. and it went innnnn! I felt nice, LOL. Okaaaaay, well I'll be back in 2 days, since I wont be in class tomorrow. I'll tell you guys how it went!!!

Wish us luuuuuckkkk! :D

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