Do you like yellow?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

First snowfall of the year :)

Wellll... today during second period my class went nuts because it was snowing outside. And I was just like " k cool. we live in Canada you'know............................". It's also the 30th of November so.. I'm pretty sure you should be expecting snow!

Anyways, I'm pretty smart yennnooo :) ... yesterday I was watching the news and it said we might be expecting either wet snow or legit snow tomorrow (this was yesterday so they were talking about today)... Sooooo today I wore my winter jacket, remembered my gloves, and wore my boots. :) The only thing I forgot was an umbrella.. but oh well. :)

Just thought I'd letcha know that there is actually snow on the ground. :)

Did it snow yet where you're living?

Friday, November 25, 2011

Heyya guize. :)

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, what's up? :)
Well I have nothing to post about, so I'll just do a review about Androids.

They're awesome phones. :) Well it's technically not a phone, it's like the system inside the phone. I preferably like Androids more than Blackberrys.. only because my Blackberry broke in late August. I had my BB for just over a year, and then it decides to crash. -_- so a few weeks after that I got my Android!

They're actually really good phones. Even though I never had an iPhone, I think an Android would be better.. just because .... I don't know. LOL, but like everything in the Android is awesome... from the ringtones, to the live wallpapers and the "Market"!

If you need a new phone, I suggest you pick out a phone with the Android system. They're actually.... I know I said this like 2 times in the post, but..... really good phones. :)

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Last one. :)

Aren't you proouudd? :')

I know I amm.... :)

Well I'll catch'ya guys later... byee!


We didn't win our finals game... buuut it was actually pretty close. Honestly, there was this one girl who shot 3's consistently... she got 7 3-pointers.... and 2 foul shots. If she wasnt on the team we would've won.. but oh well. We're still finalists! We got medals, and a banner! :) I'll post more pictures in a few minutes. :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Omg guess what.................................. We won our semi-finals game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Against Notre Dame yesterday!!!!!!!! Whawiowhaoihwfondalkfkdsbgk that means we're going to the finals/championship game tomorrow!! It's at Henry Carr. We won 33-19 :) I scored 7 points :D haha. During one play, I got the ball and I was on the left side of the net... so I drove in with my left hand and also went up for the layup with my left hand.. and it went innnnn! I felt nice, LOL. Okaaaaay, well I'll be back in 2 days, since I wont be in class tomorrow. I'll tell you guys how it went!!!

Wish us luuuuuckkkk! :D

Friday, November 11, 2011


Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. We won our first playoffs game.. :DDD . It was sooo intense! The score was 27-25, woow. Haha since we won that game on Wednesday, we have another game against Notre Dame on Monday. I hope we win, because this game is already semi-finals. If we win we're in the championship game! Wish us luck, byeeeeee. I'll probably post the results sometime next week (since it's Friday today and I won't be in class on Monday).


Monday, November 7, 2011

The last post today will be a shout out :)

Visit these blogs. They're pretty cool. :)
-this blog is about world events (opinion based) you can post comments.
-this blog is about him pulling pranks on people. You can get a really good laugh out of it.
-this blog is based on sports. If you like sports, you should click the link!


We were all waiting to get into the haunted house that our student council sets up in the auditorium every halloween.

(left to right)

Minnie Mouse

Group Picture!!!!

Here's a group picture of me and my closest friends.. :) from left to right the people are dressed as :

-Zack as John Travolta
-Magda as Minnie Mouse

-Natalie as Pocahontas

-Anika as a mime

-Georgina as a mime

-Vincent as a "Man in Black"

and me as a Rubik's Cube :)

Halloween Pictures!!

I know it's a bit late (7 days) but I haven't been on the computer lately. So I'm just going to do a little spamming of pictures that I took on Halloween. :)

First off, here are the nails that I used for halloween. I painted them using like a Rubik's cube theme (using a tutorial that I got off of the Internet)

Friday, November 4, 2011