Do you like yellow?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Oneeeee last post today..

To go along with my costume and makeup that I posted earlier.. here are the nails I'm going to do. And yessssssss, I am going all out, but that's zee spirit, RIIGHT.
Heeere's the link! :

Ohh!! I forgot..

Since I just posted a picture of my costume, I might as well post a picture of the makeup I'm planning to do. :D just click the youtube link below ....

It's almost Halloween!!!

Hey guuuys. :) Wellll.. it's almost Halloween, andddd my costume est fini! I'm going to be a Rubik's cube, haha!
I love ittt! It took soooo long to make, hehe. I bought bead necklaces from the dollar store to make "suspenders" as the straps. :) Isn't it cool though? :D

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My nails :)

Heyy guys.. well I thought I'd share my nails for this week with you (even though it's Wednesday--half way through the week, haha) .. I love doing my nails.. it's so fun! And I always give myself a challenge to try and do something difficult. :) What are your thoughts on my nails?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

KiSS 92.555555555!

Hey guys! I love music, and I always listen to the radio. So if you wanted to liiike listen to the radio online or something, here's a link to my favourite station! KiSS 92.5.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I haven't been posting lately...

Just because blogger at school isn't cooperating with me.. I tried to upload a picture but it kept freezing. So I'm just going to write you a text post. :) here it is, haha! Later guize.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Tournament #2


My team is going to another tournament tomorrow. And it is at Hoopdome. Weeeeeelllllllllll...... we're facing reaally good teams. -_- we're gonnnaa... WIIINNN I hope. POSITIVE ENERGY WIIIIINS. bwaha.

anyways, this picture is from our last tournament. When I posted saying we came in second. Well here's our medal! :D see yuh later goize.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ward game todaay

Hey guys. We're facing Mary Ward today.. hopefully we can beat them! :P It'll feel pretty good if we beat them since last year we didn't.. haha. We're going there, they're not coming to our school. I think our next game is a home game.. against Dame. Anyways, I have 2 friends who go to Ward.. and I'll get to see them! I haven't seen them in a while so this is going to be fun. :) seeeeee yaaaa' later. I'll be baaaaack. [Arnold Shwartzenagger (I don't know how to spell it LOL) voice]

Monday, October 3, 2011

Ball game todayy..

Heey guyss. :) it's 12:24 and me and my basketball team have to leave school at 2:30. Why? Because we have a basketball game... at Pope. (Pope John Paul II) They're a veeeeeerryy good team................... haha wish us luuck. :)
Seeeee ya goise later.

PS. I checked my stats and I saw that I had 7 Russian visitors, 1 German visitor, and an American visitor. Welcome guyss, hope you enjoy browsing my blog :)