Do you like yellow?

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Moooore basketball.

The Monday that just passed, we had a basketball game against Marshall McLuhan. The seniors versed them first, and they absolutely demolished them. I think the score was 54-10. WHEWWWW. Haha. Well, when it was our game, we killed them as well (not literal). The score was 48-8. Wowwzzaa. Haha, they didnt even legitimatelly score til' the fourth quarter!!!!!

OCS Blues rock. :) #ohyeah

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our Basketball Tournament!


Well, last Thursday, our basketball team went all the way to Newmarket for a basketball tournament at 9:00 in the morning. The school was called Huron Heights. We knew none of the teams there, but oh well. We won our first game 34 to like 14, then won our second game by I forget how much. So at this time, we were already in the finals. So our final game was against some school with the mascot "Wildcats". Sadly, they beat us, but that's okay because we still came in 2nd! We got medals. One of the teammates even started tearing up because last year we barely accomplished anything! Hahaha! :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Bienvenue (Welcome in French)



My first post is going to be about me.. I like yellow. :) What colour do you guys' like?